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Taking Smart Steps To Prevent Infection In Your Workplace
At the moment, the coronavirus is the talk of the world. The spread and transmission of COVID-19 has now impacted more than 170,000 people worldwide. Sadly, over 6,500 lives have been lost at the hands of this virus. Here in Canada, we now have more than 320 confirmed cases nationally with four deaths to report in the province of British Columbia. The team, here at Synergy Merchants, is deeply saddened by this ongoing chain of events.
Of course, you are undoubtedly aware that we are all being called upon to do our parts in helping stop the spread of infection. As a business owner, your role in minimizing the impact of the coronavirus at work couldn’t be more important. If it isn’t an option to allow your employees to work from home, it’s imperative that you take some smart steps to prevent the spread of infection in your workplace.
Increase the distance between workstations.
Is it possible to spread the workstations further apart at your place of work? As health professionals have been recommending, it’s best to practice social distancing. In addition to avoiding physical contact such as handshakes and high-fives, it’s also wise to generally keep people as far away from each other as possible.
On, the Government of Canada suggests that employers “evaluate the workplace for areas where people have frequent contact with each other and shared objects (and) increase the distance between desks and workstations as well as employees and customers (ideally 2 metres). A physical barrier like a cubicle or Plexiglas window also works to increase distance between people.”
Disinfect everything frequently touched in the office.
It’s time to break out the Lysol wipes, if you haven’t already. Consider the various pieces of equipment that are regularly used at your place of business. Wipe them all down. We’re talking computer monitors, mouses and telephones. Don’t forget the chairs and desks used as every workstation as well. In addition to disinfecting workstations, your employees should be reminded to frequently wash their hands. advises employers to provide access to hand washing areas, but also place hand sanitizing dispensers in prominent locations throughout the workplace. As well, it’s a prudent move to place signs in the washrooms and throughout the work area that include both reminders and instructions on how to thoroughly wash hands.
Allow your employees to stay home if they are sick.
This step couldn’t be more important. It’s vital that your sick employees stay home. In fact, there’s simply no better way to prevent the spread of infection than to have anyone who is experiencing such symptoms as coughing, sneezing and fever to remain away from work.
“Relax sick leave policies to support employees in self-isolating when ill,” urges, This includes suspending the need for medical notes and reduces the burden on an already stressed health care system. Prepare for increases in absenteeism due to illness among employees and their families or possibly school closures.”
Are you concerned about the loss of revenue your business may likely experience due to the COVID-19 crisis? Please don’t hesitate to contact Synergy Merchants to discuss how our unique merchant cash advance program may be able to help you during this difficult time. Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!