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How Do Renovations Help Your Business?

Renovations often top the to-do lists of business owners who take advantage of Synergy Merchants’ merchant cash advance program. With a revamped look to both your store front and your website, you stand the chance of significantly growing your customer base. But how, exactly, can renovations encourage new customers to walk through your doors? Well, it all begins with the impact that your renovations will have on your staff.

How do renovations positively impact employees? Employee morale plays a huge role in the ways in which your staff members are able to perform their jobs. Invigorating your team with a new sense of energy is often the first and most evident benefit of renovating your place of business. Your newly energized team will be in a much better position to service your customers at a level expected of your brand.

“The construction of new office building, or the renovation of your current facility, will have its greatest impact on your employees,” insists Michael Schoenecker of Winkelman Building Corporation, “A new office complex can help boost employee morale, increase productivity and even improve the overall workflow in the office. Regardless of the route (new construction or renovation), a new workspace allows your company to put a personal touch on its surroundings.”

How do renovations positively impact customers? Members of the general public are generally intrigued about new happenings in businesses that they take interests in. Renovations don’t just communicate that things are happening with your business – they strongly suggest that your brand is moving forward. It’s hard for most people to resist the experience of something “new” even if it’s just to try it once. Your job, of course, is to intrigue new shoppers to visit you several times after their first visits.

“In almost all cases, renovating your business space will result in higher volumes of traffic and, if your team takes advantage of the opportunity, it will also result in significantly increased sales figures,” reports, “Whenever you update your space, you’re also updating your company’s image. The Office/Store Renovation is an investment for the future of your business and the perfect time to reposition your business.”

How do renovations save your company money? If you’re regularly dealing with replacements and repairs, it can be more cost-effective to go through a complete overhaul to effectively start fresh. Many business owners encounter issues with their fixtures, lighting, plumbing and flooring among other things. Instead of making one repair after the other, full replacements are usually best. That way, a lot of money is saved going forward.

“A renovated office building can actually help your businesses bottom line,” says Schoenecker, “If your maintenance costs and utility bills are becoming burdensome, spending money to renovate or rebuild now might actually save your company money in the future. Investing in sustainable construction materials and design features can lower operating and maintenance costs going forward.”

How do you get your hands on the necessary funding to start your renovations? It’s as simple as contact Synergy Merchants for a free, no obligation quote for a merchant cash advance. You can be approved and funded within 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-877-718-2026. You may also email us at

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