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Preparing Your Retail Store For The Holiday Shopping Season
We know that Halloween hasn’t arrived just yet. But in the world of retail, an arguably more important day is on the way. On November 1st – the day right after Halloween – the holiday shopping season will begin. For all intents and purposes, the shopping rush that is expected at the end of every year has already begun. But it will really take off when the orange and black decor is exchanged for that of the red and green variety.
Is your retail store prepared for the forthcoming holiday shopping season? Let’s take a look at what you can do to make sure it’s ready for the rush!
Have plenty of gift cards readily available.
The holiday shopping season could just as easily be called “gift card season”. Gift cards and holiday shopping go hand in hand. They are among the most popular items for purchase during the forthcoming busy shopping season. Gift cards give recipients exactly what they want. You can’t get the size, colour or style wrong when you hand someone a gift card. Does your store offer holiday shoppers the convenience of gift cards?
There are numerous benefits of offering gift cards to your customers. “On average, 72% of gift card recipients will spend more than the value of the card and 90% will use it within the first 60 days,” explains Marisa Smith on, “So, even though it may be an initial investment, your returns will almost certainly increase in the end.”
Pay close attention (and respond to) customer reviews.
It can be argued that online reviews mean more to consumers than any other form of advertising. There’s nothing like word of mouth promotion. The majority of shoppers research stores, products and services online before making buying decisions. Keep an eye out for the reviews your company gets. Be sure to respond to them as well. Negative reviews are actually great opportunities to showcase your brand of customer care. Reach out and make good on bad experiences. People will take notice and reward you kindly.
“Now more than ever, customers are ready and willing to share their opinions online about everything from the lighting in your dressing rooms, to store cleanliness, to customer service,” says Claudia Gerbasi on, “All this feedback is priceless—not only to you, but also to other consumers. Taken to heart and addressed, you can create a gold-star customer experience.”
Bolster your staff for the season.
This is definitely the time of year to consider hiring some new associates. With an expected surge in customer traffic, you’ll need to ensure you have enough employees on hand to service your store’s visitors. To most shoppers, customer service matters more than products and services. Make sure you don’t just adequately staff your store, but train new hires to offer customers memorable experiences.
“Holiday hires make up 50% of the total new hires for the quarter,” informs Smith, “Which isn’t surprising when you realize that 20% of annual retail sales are generated during that holiday rush! So if necessary, don’t be afraid to look into hiring a few extra hands during the busy season.”
Could you use some funding to help you promote your store this holiday season?
Contact Synergy Merchants for assistance. Our unique merchant cash advance program can fund your business within 24 hours! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!