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How To Work Easter Into Your Marketing This Week

On behalf of the entire Synergy Merchants team, we would like to wish you a very happy Passover! Having started this past Saturday, the annual occasion will be celebrated by the Jewish community until this Sunday. This forthcoming weekend also marks the Easter long weekend. We’d also like to extend our warmest wishes to everyone observing this yearly Christian festival. Let’s take a look at a few ways you can work Easter into your marketing this week.

Post your favourite Easter dinner recipes.

It’s important to remember that one of the most effective ways to grow your audience is to appeal to people in personal ways. Your marketing efforts don’t always (and shouldn’t always) be about pushing your products and services. Offering friendly tips and inventive ideas is often a great way to generate greater interest in and respect for your business. This week, post your favourite Easter dinner recipes to get people talking about and sharing your ideas.

“Beyond colourful hard-boiled eggs, there are many other Easter meals that we can enjoy,” says Anastasia Babatzikis on, “Inspire your users by giving them Easter dinner recipes ideas! Use one of our photo galleries to display recipes originally. You’ll get an interactive catalogue where people will be able to vote for their favourite recipe, check the ingredients they need and even download it.”

Send out a celebratory newsletter.

Branching off of that last point, it certainly won’t hurt to continue putting efforts into your personal touch. Reach out to your email list subscribers with a friendly newsletter. Offer genuine well-wishes, include those recipes and end off by encouraging people to get in touch with you for any and all of their needs.

“You probably don’t need to be reminded that your most valuable customers are the loyal ones,” writes Alon Eisenberg on, “If you send out a newsletter, this is a great opportunity to promote whatever it is that you’re promoting. Are you promoting a special Easter product or a sale? Highlight it at the top of the email!”

Launch an egg hunt photo contest.

One of the most celebrated traditions of Easter is the Easter egg hunt. Of course, this is generally something that is conducted in order to keep the kids entertained. However, this week, why not entertain and excite your customers by encouraging them to take part in an Easter egg hunt photo contest? Post a photo on your social media accounts containing hidden eggs (or other items to locate). Offer respondents who guess the correct number of eggs in the photo special discounts in your store!

Babatzikis invites business owners to go about the Easter egg hunt photo contest in another way. “Generate unique codes, print them on chocolate eggs and hide them in your store,” she suggests, “Then, invite your customers to find the eggs and enter their unique code to access your online campaign.”

Could you make use of a quick injection of cash to get your Easter marketing campaign off the ground? Contact Synergy Merchants for assistance. Our unique merchant cash advance program can fund your business within 24 hours! Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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