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How To Pick Up Sales Now That Fall Is Here

It has been autumn for one full day. How are you enjoying the season thus far? If you’re like many other Canadians, you may still be feeling the blues about the summer being officially over. However, as a business owner, you’re surely aware of the many new opportunities that have been presented by the fact that a new season is underway.

No matter your business type, it only makes sense to inject some fall-themed imagery and concepts into your forthcoming marketing campaigns. This is especially important if you find fall to be your slow season. So what can you do to pick up sales now that fall is here?

Launch a sale to sell off your summer stock.

If you’re thinking that since cooler days are approaching, most Canadians will be looking for warm clothes – you’re not wrong. However, the savvy shopper in all of us knows that out-of-season items are likely to be on sale. Do you have a lot of summer stock left over? Advertise a new “Summer’s Over Sale” and highlight the fact that your summer-based goods are available at discount prices.

“Get rid of your summer stock by launching a big summer sale before autumn takes a hold and temperatures start to plummet,” advises Shell Robshaw Bryan of Surefire Media in the U.K., “If you’re smart, the lure of the savings will also mean you’ll have the perfect opportunity to show customers your premium new Autumn/Winter stock too.”

Offer autumn-inspired dishes.

If you’re a restaurant owner, it practically goes without saying that you should add some items to your menu that commemorate the fall season. You’ve more than likely seen all of those Pumpkin Spice Latte ads by Tim Hortons. Why should Canada’s most popular fast food restaurant chain have all the fun? Come up with your own autumn-inspired dishes and be sure to advertise them through all of your online and offline channels.

“Use social media to let followers know that you’ve brought on some exciting autumn-inspired eats,” encourages, “Send an email newsletter to make a splash about the seasonal additions. Even consider hosting a special event to introduce your autumn menu.”

Keep your back to school specials going.

Many merchants make the mistake of thinking that the back to school shopping season is over once students are actually back in school. Remember that the kids will be in school until June. There’s plenty of time to cash in on their education-based needs. Highlight the fact that you are still offering savings to late-blooming back to school shoppers.

“Remember though that whilst young children are generally back at school by the first week in September, it’s not too late to target University students,” adds Bryan, “Those moving to university don’t generally start for a few weeks yet, and will often require household basics like duvets, toasters and so on well into early autumn.”

No matter what marketing strategy or advertising campaign you choose to pick up sales now that fall is here, Synergy Merchants’ merchant cash advance program can help you to afford it. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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