Do you think it might be time to end your current business partnership? In our…
How To Make Time In Your Busy Schedule To Enjoy The Holidays
With the holiday season just around the corner, the Synergy Merchants team wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! It’s hard to believe that the big day will be here this Saturday. From our family to yours, we hope you are able to enjoy the festive nature of the season with the ones closest to you. Please keep safe as you celebrate this wonderful time of year.
As a business owner, you may be thinking it’s hard to celebrate the holidays. Especially after another tough pandemic-burdened year, your heart may not be into celebrating as much as you’d like. Chances are you have a busy schedule to think of and taking a day or two off may not prove fruitful. We’re here to tell you otherwise! Taking time out of your busy schedule is not only doable, but necessary. Don’t burn yourself out. Enjoy the season and recharge your batteries!
Set and stick to a final order date.
You may be up to your ears in orders. If so, congratulations! Naturally, being busy is a good sign. It’s important, of course, to meet the needs of all of your customers. However, you need to meet your personal needs too. Set a date for final orders. Christmas Eve isn’t a bad one to pick. According to, setting a final date for orders ensures that you don’t sacrifice your own holiday.
“I learned this lesson very early in my photography business when I had a client who insisted I be available to deliver their order on my daughter’s first Christmas Eve night because it was ‘convenient’ for them,” reveals the site’s blogger, “When I declined, they suddenly had time to come two days earlier. Being a business owner does not mean you can’t have a life outside your business. And for the record, the customer is not always right.”
Be present.
Your family and friends are depending on you to be a part of the fun and excitement. Just like everyone else, you deserve a break. You’re not taking a break, however, when you are physically present – but mentally elsewhere. It may sound easier said than done, but try to completely wash yourself of work-related issues while you’re engaged in holiday activities with your loved ones. It’s so simple to say, but so hard to do, agrees Laura Shin on
“While the last few weeks of the year are going to be some of the most intense working and socializing you’ll do all year, it will be a lot less stressful if you are present to the moment that you are in,” she writes, “This means when you’re enjoying singing carols with your family, don’t worry about whether you’ll meet your goals at work.”
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