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How To Keep Your Back To School Sales Going All Month
The back to school shopping season took effect about a month ago. In fact, some would argue that the entire summer represents back to school shopping season, since many shoppers like to get early starts. But what about those last minute shoppers? There should still be plenty of time for them to take advantage of back to school sales, right?
Don’t assume that just because students are back in school, they have all of their necessities. It’s certainly wise to keep pushing your back to school promotions all month long. What marketing techniques would be most effective in this regard?
Push your online store.
Never neglect your online store. It stands to significantly increase your sales numbers all year round. The forthcoming holiday season, as you’re well aware, is a time of year when online sales are bound to spike. But the current back to school shopping season can be just as lucrative for your online business.
“Moms are going online more and more,” reports Kevin Fitzgerald on, “In fact, a survey last year discovered that 74% of smartphone-wielding moms in the U.S. plan to shop online for school supplies. Roughly half of the moms surveyed reported picking up their orders in-store. Others had planned to order supplies through an app (41%), get them via curbside pickup (24%), or use a virtual assistant (21%).”
Step up your social media activity.
It will come as no surprise to you to hear that young people are heavily influenced by what they see on social media. If your company is active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like, it will have a better chance of attracting the attention of students everywhere. According to Matthew Stern on, a poll found that slightly more than half of parents say they buy back-to-school products their kids ask for based on social media influence.
“Kids have always had ways of coaxing their parents into buying them stuff,” he writes, “Now, young students also have the force of social media influencers behind them, and the added peer pressure seems to be making parents even more likely to purchase what their kids are demanding during the back-to-school season.”
Push your gift cards.
Over the course of this month, students from all over Canada will realize they need supplies they don’t yet have. Having a gift card from your store is a great way to get them to visit you to fulfil their back to school shopping needs. Put efforts into promoting your gift cards this month to keep your back to school sales strong.
“Sixty-four percent of freshman college students plan to stop up on new electronics like laptops, gaming consoles and TVs before going to university,” reports Stern, “On average, these students spend roughly $229 on electronics, $153 on clothes and $83 on shoes. Back-to-school shoppers, however, spend more on clothing ($237) and shoes ($139) than electronics ($187).”
No matter what marketing strategy or advertising campaign you use to keep your back to school sales going all month, Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program can help you afford it. For more information, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-877-718-2026. You may also email us at As well, feel free to apply online for a free, no obligation quote!