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How To Enjoy Your Most Successful December Ever

The month of December is one that retailers all over Canada thoroughly enjoy. There are few retail businesses that don’t find that December is their busiest month. With holiday shopping currently at a fever pitch, there’s no question that a boost in sales should be enjoyed all month long. That is, of course, if you’re promoting your store properly.

It’s important not to assume that simply because it’s the holiday shopping season, your sales will pick up. There are a number of steps that should be taken to ensure you enjoy your most successful December ever!

Promote your stress-free return policy.

Not that you’re looking to process more returns than necessary, you’ll do your business a huge favour by marketing its stress-free return policy. From experience, you’re likely aware that questions about return policies are rampant at this time of year. Holiday shoppers need the security of knowing that if their purchases need to be returned, there won’t be problems. Your policy can mean the difference between gaining customers and losing them for good.

“People don’t like surprises when it comes to return policies,” insists Carlin Sack on, “That’s why 66% of online shoppers look at return policies before even making a purchase. If your return policy is buried within your site or not available at all, you’re preventing customers from reaching the peace of mind they need to purchase. Try surfacing your return policy on your FAQ page or even link to it from the footer of your website.”

Stick to your shipping deadlines.

At this time of year, shoppers need to make sure that everything they buy is received before the holidays begin. It’s imperative that every product purchased from your website is delivered on time. Nida Rasheed of Ecommerce Platforms highly recommends that you make it easy for customers to know when your shipping deadlines are.

“Your homepage should have a banner stating the absolute final day they can order something to get it delivered in time for the holidays,” she advises, “Provide the same information for your international customers as well.”

Double your social media activity.

If ever there was a time to be active on social media, it is now. Without doing a little extra posting, tweeting, commenting and liking, your brand will stand the chance of getting lost in the shuffle. Don’t go unnoticed. Social media platforms are used daily by millions of people to communicate messages and interact with each other. Be sure to use your accounts to promote everything your brand has going on this month and revamp its imaging to make it holiday-themed.

“Keep your brand relevant by updating your social media presence with a holiday feel,” Sack insists, “You don’t need to do a complete overhaul, either: Small changes to your brand’s image will help your social media accounts catch new eyes. Update your profile picture, post holiday-themed messages, or share pictures of your products in gift wrapping to help people associate your brand with holiday purchases.

At Synergy Merchants, we know how important it is for Canadian merchants to be able to invest in holiday marketing. For more information about how our unique merchant cash advance program can help you to afford your holiday marketing strategies, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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