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How Renovations Can Re-energize Your Business
In our last blog, we highlighted some of the steps that business owners can take to make this spring their most successful one yet. The key theme of that blog is “change is good”. And when one season transitions into the next, it marks the perfect time for change. Some changes, of course, are more significant than others. And when business owners decide to undertake renovations to their businesses, those big changes most often generate big profits!
How renovations can re-energize your restaurant.
Undeniably, food will always make for popular purchases. We don’t just need food to live – we enjoy dining out and experiencing occasions with loved ones that involved delicious meals. It’s a pastime that will never grow old. That doesn’t mean that you should take for granted that your restaurant will always be popular. Redesigning the dining atmosphere at your restaurant can go a long way in securing both new customers and repeat business.
Doug Dumelie of Alberta’s Aztec Renovations Inc. also notes that newly renovated restaurants can significantly grow employee productivity. “In the fast paced, high pressure world of restaurants, a poorly designed kitchen makes it harder for kitchen staff to prepare great food that can go from kitchen to table in an acceptable amount of time,” he writes, “The interior design of a restaurant can have a huge impact on whether or not people want to dine there, if they’ll come back, and if they’ll recommend it to friends.”
How renovations can re-energize your employees.
Dumelie make a great point. It’s important to remember that no matter what changes you decide to implement at your business, they will impact both your customers and your employees. And, as you’re very likely aware, happy employees make for happy customers. This is why it’s as important to renovate the work spaces of your employees as it is to update the decor of the sections of your business location that the public has access to.
“A business works best when its employees see it as more than a day job,” points out Florida’s ARTEFACT Studio, “Creating a real feeling of investment is a way to ensure your workers will do their best for your company. An office renovation is a brilliant opportunity to do just that. Involve your staff in your renovation work. They’re going to use the space, so why not give them some input?”
How renovations can re-energize your retail store.
Who doesn’t like walking into a store that is vibrant and uniquely designed? As mentioned, a new decor is often enough reason to make passers-by turn into visitors. Getting people to walk through the front doors of your store is always the first step to turning them into paying customers. A newly renovated store is always buzz-worthy!
“A carefully designed and attractive retail layout can take into consideration how shoppers move through space and hunt for items to purchase,” says Dumelie, “A modern, purpose designed retail layout can have a huge impact on how much time people stay in a store and how easy it is for them to find the items they want to buy.”
Renovations are among the top reasons Canadian business owners choose to accept merchant cash advances. For more information about Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at