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How A Newly-Renovated Shop Can Help Grow Your Bottom Line

In spite of the ongoing pandemic, would now be a good time to renovate your store? In our last blog, we actually make the argument that the business restrictions brought on by COVID-19 may make for the perfect reasons to choose the present to spruce things up. We noted that safety and a better use of space were also good reasons to start the new year with a store renovation. But how can a newly-renovated shop help your bottom line?

It will help to grow your customer base.

Which store owner doesn’t want to welcome more customers into his/her store? By renovating, you create a vibrant and intriguing new space. In many cases, newly-renovated stores see boosts in foot traffic simply due to curiosity and intrigue. It’s important, of course, to give consumers reasons to want to visit your shop. Start with the renovation and continue with excellent customer experiences!

“A modern-looking office helps improve client experience when an individual comes to the office,” says writes Jennifer Gaggion on, “Clients will be more impressed with an updated office which makes them more willing to work with that company. Another way office renovations can help attract clients is that it’s easier to use photos of the office in marketing materials. This shows clients who can’t visit the office in person that the company is organized and innovative.”

It can generate a strong spring for your store.

Yes, the winter is currently in full effect. But it won’t last forever. Especially if winter is traditionally a slow season for your business, it’s the ideal time of year to change things around. That way, when the spring arrives, the new, fresh and exciting look of your brand can be revealed. Strong sales, of course, should follow.

According to Winnipeg’s Tractus Projects, there are many advantages to building and renovating through the winter. They include great efficiencies and availability, quicker access to permits and less disturbances to teams or customers.

It gives your brand a cutting edge appearance.

There’s simply nothing impressive about the “same old, same old”. If your store hasn’t changed its look in years, it practically presents the equivalent of white noise to its visitors. The ho-hum approach to welcoming your customers to your store is simply not effective. By renovating, you demonstrate that your brand is forward-thinking, innovative and happening.

“Although businesses that have outdated layouts can certainly be forward-thinking, it can be hard to demonstrate that without a renovation,” believes Gaggion, “A remodel will show clients that your business is moving in the right direction. Renovations can also encourage employees to be more innovative and forward-thinking…With a renovation, employees can be surrounded by inspiration and have the spaces they need to collaborate and build a better future for the business.”

Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program enables all types of business owners to get their hands on much-needed cash for renovations. Regardless of your credit history or length of time in business, you can be approved in less than 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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