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4 More Halloween-Based Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Are you excited for Halloween? If you’re a business owner, you should definitely utilize the yearly scary celebration as a marketing strategy. In our last blog, we noted that some secrets to scaring up sales in October include launching a Halloween costume photo contest and hosting a pumpkin carving contest.

Here are four more Halloween-based marketing ideas for small businesses:

1. Offer a dress-up discount.

Naturally, Halloween encourages costume-wearing. But who wants to buy a Halloween costume to be worn only on the big day? People enjoy attending parties and other haunted-themed events in their costumes. Why not give them another reason to don their scary attire? By offering a dress-up discount, you will invigorate your customer base with your fun-loving ways. It will encourage greater foot traffic in your store and encourage larger purchases.

“Another great way to increase foot traffic to your business and maximize sales this Halloween is by offering a discount or gift with purchase to anyone (human or pet) who appears in costume,” writes Stephanie Heitman of LocaliQ, “Not only will this encourage customers to visit your business, but it also creates an opportunity for user-generated content. Maybe even offer an extra bonus if they post on social media and tag your business.”

2. Give away Halloween treats.

It’s probably dead giveaway (pun most definitely intended) to suggest the handing out of candy as a top Halloween marketing idea. So why not go ahead and take advantage of it? Don’t stop at sweet treats. Consider giving away free promotional items and even gift cards. Doing so will incentivize your shoppers to continue supporting your store well into the future. According to Annie Pilon of Small Business Trends, you can even custom design your candy giveaways.

“Host a trick-or-treating event or take part in your city’s normal Halloween festivities by passing out candy,” she suggests, “Candy companies often let companies print custom wrappers with your name, logo, or a simple Halloween message. So offer these custom treats for a memorable holiday experience.”

3. Run a “guess how many” contest.

These types of contests are classic, aren’t they? Especially during the Halloween season, it makes sense to put huge jars on display to initiate a “guess how many” contest. Choose any candy you like. Jelly beans, M&M’s, gumballs and Reese’s Pieces are all great ideas. Offer special prizes to the closest or exact guessers of your contest. Be sure to plug this giveaway on your social media channels inviting your online followers to participate as well.

“Want more email addresses for your newsletter or email marketing list?” asks Heitman, “Grab a jar and fill it with something Halloween-inspired–candy corn, plastic spiders, orange and black candies, etc. Put the jar by your cash register or in your location and have customers drop their business cards or a slip of paper with their guess in a box. Just make sure customers include their email addresses in their entries.”

4. Allow Synergy Merchants to help!

Could your business use some extra working capital to get your Halloween marketing plans off the ground? Contact us to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can help you. Most of our clients our funded within 24 hours! Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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