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4 Last Minute Ways To Maximize Black Friday Sales

Tomorrow is Black Friday. And although it’s known as the biggest sales day of the year in the United States – thanks to its tradition of following American Thanksgiving, Black Friday is also a huge deal in Canada. With only 24 hours to go until the big day, it will be pretty important to utilize your day today in order to maximize your chances of enjoying a major increase in sales tomorrow.

So what are some last minute ways to maximize your Black Friday sales? Here are four:

1. Get your entire team ready. Black Friday is certainly a day when you’ll want to have all hands on deck. Ask all of your employees if they are available to work tomorrow. Giving out extra shifts will be well worth it when you end up seeing all of those extra customers who are going to need assistance getting their hands on the products they visited your store to buy. The thing is you can’t just get anyone to work on Black Friday. It takes a special kind of employee.

“The first thing you need to do for your staffing model is find people who are have the right mindset and attitude to handle Black Friday,” insists Blake Moran on, “Handling customers the day after Thanksgiving is not for the faint of heart. Considering current events and political unrest in the country customers might even be more frantic than usual…Hire and train people who will keep your ship running smoothly. Do not skimp on recruitment and training.”

2. Make sure your website can handle a surge in traffic. Don’t forget that right around the corner from Black Friday is Cyber Monday. Next week Monday, online shoppers will be having a field day trying to get their hands on items at significantly reduced prices. Even if you aren’t selling products online, you’ll want to ensure that your website is fully updated with all of the news about your in-store sales.

Make sure your site can handle the expected rise in traffic. On, Corey Ferreira explains how an increase in website visitors can cause it to crash. “Sometimes, too many simultaneous requests to your website can bog it down and potentially crash your site,” he explains, “This usually takes an enormous amount of traffic to occur, but it’s still a good idea to ensure your host can handle a spike in traffic.”

3. Email your customer base. There are few ways better than directly contacting your customers to get people excited about your Black Friday sale. Be sure to reach out to the individuals who have supported you before by sending them personal messages today. Here’s hoping you’ve already established an emailing list. Ferreira agrees that contacting your customers to ensure big Black Friday sales is the way to go.

“Tease your customers with emails of what’s to come, post sneak-peeks of upcoming sales on social media, and start piquing the curiosity of your customers,” he recommends, “The sooner you begin doing this, the more momentum you will have during Black Friday and Cyber Monday when you finally announce the sale to your customers.”

4. Get your hands on a merchant cash advance. Whether it’s for advertising, buying new inventory or hiring seasonal staff, your company is going to need extra money to enjoy a greater holiday season. At Synergy Merchants, we proudly offer Canadian business owners opportunities to secure extra working capital through our unique merchant cash advance program. And, most often, we fund our clients within 24 hours!

For more information on our merchant cash advance program or to speak with one of our licensed funding specialists to get a free, no obligation quote, simply call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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