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3 Techniques For Boosting Employee Morale

One year ago, the World Health Organization deemed the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. Here we are, one full year later, still battling this incredibly unfortunate circumstance. Needless to say, COVID-19 has been tough on all of us. Maintaining a strict focus on social distancing has made it tough to naturally interact with others in ways we once took for granted. Many businesses have had to close their doors or limit their visitors. Things have certainly changed.

How has the pandemic impacted your staff? In all likelihood, you’re managing a team of people who would much rather have things go back to the way they once were. If your employees are at home, they’re likely itching to get back into the office for some social interaction. If they’re in the office, they’re likely tired of having to wear masks and stay two metres away from their co-workers. Your team is surely in need of a major boost in morale.

Here are three techniques for boosting employee morale:

1. Celebrate the accomplishments of your staff members.

Arguably, there’s no better time to shine the spotlight on the great work completed by your team than now. Your employees deserve regular pats on their backs for jobs well done. Celebrating their current accomplishments is an especially well-needed show of appreciation. Helping your team get over the “COVID blues” will require a lot of your expressions of gratitude.

“Employees need to be recognized for their accomplishments,” insists the Corporate Finance Institute (CFI) on their website, “Take the time to provide positive feedback and acknowledge the accomplishments and success of employees. By doing so, employees will show more appreciation for their work.”

2. Keep everyone informed.

What is the future of your company? Is the business struggling? Are jobs in jeopardy? These and other questions like them are on the minds of many an employee these days. Don’t keep your team in the dark. It’s wise to keep everyone abreast of all of the goings-on of your business. Your employees deserve to know if their jobs are secure. Your transparency will help to take emotional loads off their shoulders.

As Derek Irvine recommends on, “rebuild employee trust in the organization through clear, frequent communication of what the company is doing today and plans to do in the future to both succeed in the market and appreciate employees for their efforts.”

3. Value the thoughts and feelings of your employees.

Now, more than ever, people need open ears to talk to and shoulders to lean on. Your team members are contending with the double duty of struggling through a pandemic and handling their day-to-day tasks for your business. Be sure to communicate that your door is always open.

Inform your staff of your availability for discussions where employees can voice concerns and ask questions. In some cases, issues may not even be work-related. We all need helping hands during this tough time. Offering yours will go a long way in helping your staff to be happy and productive.

“Be as transparent with your employees as possible,” advises the CFI, “Communicate often and take into consideration what an employee says.”

How can Synergy Merchants help you to boost employee morale?

Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can quickly fund your business needs. You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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