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3 Creative Ways To Advertise Your Latest Sales Event

In our last blog, we listed a number of ways that retail store owners can scare up sales in the months to come. We suggested holding flash sales, partnering up with nearby businesses and advertising new pricing. Your new pricing should be highlighted in as many ways as possible! After all, who doesn’t like to save money?

Here are three creative ways to advertise your latest sales event:

1. Revamp the decor of your store.

Given that Halloween is on the way, it makes sense to throw up some black and orange decorations. “Spookifying” your place of business is a go-to marketing strategy during any October. However, you may wish to revamp the decor of your store all throughout the holiday season. Sometimes, giving your shop a fresh a look is all that is needed to elicit more interest in it.

“Use lighting techniques and creative displays to attract customers,” suggests Matthew Hudson on, “Play videos for product education, customer entertainment and any other upsell or promotional tie-in. Involve all of the senses in your visual merchandising. Remember, an energetic store is a magnet.”

2. Prepare to entertain children.

It goes without saying that most kids love Halloween. By setting up either a play area or entertainment centre of some kind in your store, you will attract a lot more parents and their young ones. In addition to garnering more foot traffic in your store, your willingness to cater to kids will endear your brand to many new customers. Naturally, this will translate into a boost in sales.

“Entice parents into your store (and get them to spend more time there) by providing entertainment for their children,” encourages Rieva Lesonsky on, “Set up a little area in the store with a play table, toys and books. Enlist an employee to read stories to the kids or play games with them. Meanwhile, offer the parents discounts and the chance to get a break from their kids while they shop.”

3. Insist upon providing excellent customer service.

Simply put, this is and always will be the best way to boost sales. Remember the extreme importance of developing and growing customer relationships. How you make people feel means a lot more than how great (or even how inexpensive) your products and services are. As Hudson remarks, excellent customer service is the key to increasing sales.

“Listen to your customer to understand their needs and wants,” he encourages, “Then educate him/her about the products. Finally, let the customer know you appreciate their business. Offer value-added services and products. Create a mailing list by asking for contact information from each customer. Remember, the customer is looking for an experience and not just a product.” 

Do you need some help advertising your latest sales event?

Contact Synergy Merchants for assistance. Our unique merchant cash advance program can fund your business within 24 hours! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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