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3 Awesome Autumn Advertising Tips
Today’s blog represents our last official entry for the summer season. As of this Saturday, the fall season will officially be underway. For businesses all across Canada, the changing of the seasons means a changing of advertising strategies. Obviously, the time has come to start thinking about the ways in which you will cater to the autumn-based needs of your customers.
Of course, most merchants have already been promoting their fall-themed goods for the past month. But, just in case you needed a little extra incentive to get things going, here are three autumn advertising tips:
1. Launch a fall-themed photo contest.
It’s difficult to deny that, in today’s world, social media make up the most popular ways for people to communicate. The vast majority of social media users don’t just post comments, they also share photos on their profiles. This is why launching a fall photo contest is one of the top ways to promote your business. Come up with an engaging strategy to get people to share their photos on your social media pages and be sure to provide a great incentive.
“Who doesn’t love taking pictures and sharing them on social networks?” asks, “We live in the era of the Selfie, so running a photo contest is a no brainer. Encourage your audience to have some fun. Invite customers to post selfies or pictures their kids or pets doing their favourite fall activities (jumping in a pile of leaves, baking a pumpkin pie or enjoying leaf-peeping) with a designated hashtag. Choose one winner per week and offer them a free gift.”
2. Update your website with fall-themed imagery.
In addition to utilizing your social media platforms to grow your brand’s recognition, you should also heavily promote your company website. To reiterate an important point, a strong online presence is integral to the success of a business in today’s world. Updating your site with fall imagery will communicate to your target audience that your business is innovative, keeping up to date and meeting the current needs of its customers.
On, Anna Ruby highly recommends this practice for restaurants. “The season is fall, so your website can’t look like it’s still promoting summer,” she writes, “Update your site to reflect autumn and to include any seasonal offers and menus you are featuring. Just be sure to update it again once those offers conclude.”
3. Host a Halloween party.
We all have our favourite holidays. And while Halloween isn’t considered an actual holiday, it is highly regarded as one of the most fun and exciting days of the year. Get in on the action by throwing a Halloween party at your place of business. Be sure to invite your most loyal customers and offer door prizes, refreshments and other treats.
“Invite your staff and customers to an in-store Halloween party,” agrees, “Encourage them to wear costumes and set up some fun Halloween games to keep everyone entertained. Hold a costume contest and offer a prize for the winner. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures and upload them to your social media channels.”
No matter the advertising strategy you decide to use this fall, the team at Synergy Merchants can help you to pull it off successfully. Our unique merchant cash advance program can get you the funding you need within 24 hours! For a free, no obligation quote, please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at