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How To Handle Summer’s Most Common Business Emergencies

For the most part, the summer is a glorious time of year. Most Canadians thrive in the warmth and sunshine, knowing that such weather conditions can’t be taken for granted. Of course, nothing is perfect. The heat and humidity can sometimes cause issues. After all, no one wants to suffer from heat stroke.

As well, business owners are often met with potential mishaps during the summertime. It’s vital for them to be able to handle summer’s most common business emergencies.

Prepare for power outages.

Power outages are fun for no one. It’s important to be prepared in the event that a harsh summer storm or a heatwave overloads a grid. When an unexpected blackout occurs, it’s certainly helpful to have a backup generator. This will ensure that your operation can continue to run smoothly. You’ll also want to keep battery-operated fans and lights on hand. They can help to maintain a comfortable environment for both your staff and your patrons.

Be sure to devise a contingency plan for power outages. It should include how to notify customers via social media and alternative communication channels when there are interruptions to your service.

Keep cool when your A/C breaks down.

Needless to say, maintaining a cool and comfortable environment at your place of business is vital. Both your employees and customers won’t like it if the premises are unbearably hot. To prepare for your air conditioning breaking down, be sure to have your HVAC repair service person on speed dial. Ensure that you are performing regular maintenance checks so that you can prevent malfunctions.

As well, have temporary cooling solutions on hand. We’re talking about portable fans and A/C units. It’s also a smart move to encourage your team members to stay hydrated all throughout the summertime. Allow them to take frequent breaks so that they can avoid heat-related illnesses.

Fend off flooding.

While the summertime is known for its sunshine, it’s also a time of year when major storms can occur. Flash floods can create even the smallest of leaks. Be mindful that they can escalate pretty quickly. To fend off flooding, be diligent about maintaining and cleaning your gutters and drainage systems. They should all be clear of debris. It’s also wise to have sandbags or flood barriers ready to deploy. This is especially important if you’re in a flood-prone area.

If a flood does occur, you should shut off the electricity and gas. This will maximize the safety of your staff and customers. Finally, make sure to document the damage done to your place of business for insurance claims. You will want to start the clean-up process as soon as possible to prevent the development of mould.

Look into getting a merchant cash advance.

For many years, clients of Synergy Merchants have used our merchant cash advance program to get through their emergency situations. To learn all about how we can help your business handle a common summertime business emergency, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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