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How Can You Continue To Cash In With Back-To-School Promotions?

Happy first day of school everyone! Kids all across Canada returned to their classrooms this morning. And, for many parents, it helped to provide some great relief. Those with school-aged children generally experience very busy summers. Part of what keeps them busy is preparing for the back-to-school season. And this presents a great number of opportunities for retailers.

Hopefully, you’ve taken advantage of the back-to-school season over the past few weeks. Even if you don’t sell clothing and school supplies, there are many ways to boost sales during August and September. With September now in full swing, you still have the opportunity to cash in with back-to-school promotions. How so?

Keep the discounts on school-related items going all month!

Now that school is in, the need for school supplies is behind us, right? Wrong. When you combine last-minute shoppers, procrastinators and customers with newfound needs to get school supplies that may not have been thought of before, you get a large group of customers who need your store to address their needs. Make it appealing to them to return to your store all September long by keeping your discounts on school-related items going.

“Back-to-school shopping can get expensive, especially for families with multiple children,” says Daniel DeMeo of CAN Capital in an article for The Huffington Post, “Consider a buy-one, get-one-half-off promotion for siblings. Also, don’t forget paper and mobile coupons. For price-conscious consumers, a coupon could be the deciding factor. Team up with another local business to offer incentives and rewards.”

Offer discounts on non-traditional school products and services.

Not every retailer offer school supplies. And that’s just fine. No matter what type of business you run, you can incorporate the entire back-to-school theme in your promotions. Mechanics, for example, can offer special discounts on oil changes and repairs for students who are returning to college. Hair salons can offer special “Get Ready For School” deals for school-aged kids. The possibilities are endless!

“Think of products and services that your business offers that could be utilized by students and their parents,” suggests Nick Pizzolato of Wicked Local Media Solutions, “Even if it’s not the traditional school supplies, you most likely offer something that can be used in a back to school promotion. Build digital and print ads that can run in print media and online. Be on the lookout for back to school special sections that will help direct shoppers to your business, because they will be looking specifically for those promotions.”

Get your hands on extra working capital to help launch new promotions.

Yes, September has only just begun. But, in the business world, October is just around the corner. That means that preparing for such occasions as Thanksgiving and Halloween are a must. To launch a new advertising campaign, you’ll need to secure some extra working capital. And Synergy Merchants can help you do to just that!

For information about our unique merchant cash advance program or to speak with one of our licensed funding specialists to get a free, no obligation quote, simply call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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