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A Further Look Into The Importance Of Stocking Up For The Holidays

Happy Halloween! On behalf of the entire Synergy Merchants team, we wish you all a super fun and super safe spooky celebration today! In our last blog, we highlighted the vital importance of stocking up on inventory in preparation for the forthcoming holidays. It can be a pretty scary thing if your shop runs out of stock when holiday shoppers are counting on it to satisfy their needs.

With the holiday season unofficially beginning tomorrow, we thought it important to take a further look into the importance of stocking up for the holidays.

It gives your customers quick, easy and stress-free experiences.

Holiday shopping isn’t fun for everyone. Many consumers would much prefer to run in and out of the stores that have the products they need within minutes. When you run out of stock, you force shoppers who don’t like shopping to spend more time searching for the items on their wish lists. This leads to frustration and disappointment. Worse, it is likely to cause many shoppers to never return to your store.

“Failing to meet customer demand during peak season can compromise your business’ image as a caring and safe pair of hands,” points out Melanie Chan of Unleashed Software, “In some ways, running out of inventory during a demand spike is worse than regular understocking as customers may have few alternative options.”

It shows your suppliers that your business is reliable.

Do you want to grow your relationships with your suppliers? Of course you do. Demonstrating your commitment to those relationships will encourage your suppliers to prioritize your orders. The strong connections will also help you to negotiating prices for restocking during this very busy time of year. Remember that suppliers are more likely to prioritize businesses they trust. When you plan well and order early for the holiday rush, you will often end up securing better deals.

“During your regular meetings with your suppliers, discuss opportunities to help one another,” recommends Elizabeth Lavelle of Enable Software, “Perhaps you could trade referrals or introduce one another to key players in non-competing industries. Now more than ever is the time to get innovative with your suppliers.”

It reduces stress for your employees.

When your store’s stock levels are properly maintained, your staff can focus on delivering excellent customer service. That’s a lot better for both them and your business! Instead of having to deal with back orders or frustrated customers, your employees can do what they do best. That is to provide your customers with top-notch service complete with smiles and kindness. Having fully stocked shelves helps to take away the stress that’s often associated with working during the holidays.

“Stockouts are the ultimate buzzkill for any customer,” notes Cash Flow Inventory, “Efficient replenishment ensures you have the right products, in the right quantities, at the right time, preventing those dreaded ‘out of stock’ notices and keeping your customers coming back for more.”

Get in touch with Synergy Merchants for help!

Our unique merchant cash advance program can quickly get you the cash you need to purchase new inventory for the holiday shopping rush. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at to learn all about it. You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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