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3 More Steps To Becoming A Savvy Marketer Via Social Media
In our last blog, we listed some ways that business owners could make themselves more effective social media users. Here are three more steps to becoming a savvy marketer via social media:
1. Share videos.
It’s hard to argue that posts containing videos are the most engaging of them all. Sure, we’ve all lived with television our whole lives. But there is something about the 30-second-or-so video that we can quickly view, comment upon and share. It seems to generate a lot of interest. Post videos that demonstrate the benefits of your products and/or services. However, you should also post videos for fun. They will bring your accounts a lot of attention.
“Visual content works well on social media,” contends Lexie Lu of the U.K.’s BusinessWest, “Video content, especially, is ideal for grabbing people’s attention as well as conveying your personality and passion to your customers. Visual content stands out as people scroll through their social feeds, so they’re more likely to view it and engage with it. It also allows you to say more than you could in a typical post without taking up much room.”
2. Utilize each platform correctly.
It’s wise to learn about each of today’s most popular social media platforms. Instagram, for example, is widely popular because of its photo and video content. Posts that contain images are among the most engaging. So be sure to always consider the visual aspect of your posts using IG. TikTok is geared towards a younger generation while older adults have been taking to Facebook a lot more these days. Understanding social media platforms helps you to target your audience.
“If you’re selling to baby boomers, social might not seem like a top priority,” says Christina Newberry of Hootsuite, “But it should be. Facebook and Pinterest are the top social networks for boomers. Adults over age 65 are Facebook’s fastest growing audience segment. Maybe you think TikTok marketing is not the right fit for your brand. But even well-established brands with an audience well outside Gen Z are experimenting with this platform.”
3. Provide customer service.
Arguably, the most valuable facet of using social media for business is the quick access to your customers that it gives you. Social media enable you to immediately answer customer questions and address customer complaints. Be sure to do so regularly. It won’t just demonstrate your penchant for providing top-notch customer service to specific customers who reach out. It will also publicly showcase your ability to put the needs of your customers first.
“You should carefully monitor mentions of your brand on social channels, so you can catch issues before they escalate,” writes Lu, “If you spot a problem, engage with the person by publicly apologizing if necessary and offering to solve the problem over a direct message exchange. This way, people who see the post know you were responsive but don’t have to see all the specifics of the issue.”
Could you use some assistance with your next social media marketing campaign?
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